How many types of unburnt bricks are there in Vietnam market?

In Vietnam, there are currently 3 types of unburnt bricks:

Aggregate concrete bricks:

  • Main raw materials: cement, grit and additives.
  • Production technology: manual, low productivity, slow, unstable supply capacity due to heavy dependence on weather for sufficient intensity.
  • In the past, reinforced concrete bricks were the most popular unburnt bricks in Vietnam, but this material is being replaced quickly due to poor insulation, strong water absorption and heavy weight, causing real problems. benefit in the process of transportation and construction, especially high-rise buildings.

Foam concrete brick:

  • Main raw materials: cement, fly ash, foaming agents and additives.
  • Production technology: manual, slow and unstable due to weather dependence.
  • This material, in addition to light weight and relatively good thermal insulation, has no outstanding advantages, is used by few constructions.

AAC Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Brick:

  • Main raw materials: sand, lime, cement, aluminum powder.
  • Manufacturing technology: modern, closed, environmentally friendly autoclave technology, ensuring consistent quality, with little dependency on the weather, so it can be supplied quickly within 2 – 5 days. .
  • AAC bricks are extremely light unburnt materials with many outstanding advantages, suitable for a variety of climatic conditions, so are increasingly trusted by many constructions. This material is also widely used in developed countries around the world such as the United States, Australia, Europe, China, Taiwan, Singapore …